
Bex Dearden, who starred in the 2023 Adventure All Stars season, has been selected for a special New Zealand Legends episode in 2024. The ground-breaking travel television show selects participants who have to raise funds for charity before filming. “When I first filmed with Adventure All Stars, we flew to...

YOU don’t have to tell Tatura local Jenny Lagozzino that when it comes to fighting cancer, every bit of support helps. A cancer survivor herself, Jenny has dedicated over 10 years to raising funds and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation, surpassing the $100,000 milestone in...

Pictured, the cast of the high-profile charity-oriented Australian ‘Adventure All Stars’ program in Roderick Bay in the Ngela Islands where they were filming for a Solomon Islands TV special program to be broadcast later this year. While in the Solomon Islands, the cast were filmed taking...

Filming of the second instalment of Adventure All Stars “LEGENDS 2” saw 12 cast members take part in activities in the Solomon Islands including hiking the Tenaru Water Falls, visiting Hotomai Cultural Village, swimming with dolphins on Savo Island, cultural dance performances at Roderick Bay and snorkelling...