Fundraiser to TV star

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The foundation’s primary objective is create employment opportunities for Ingenious Australians in remote communities, giving them the tools and skills needed to relieve their financial hardship.

“Over the years my husband and I have supported Walk A While where we could. Then, a few weeks ago, Ken’s assistant rang me and said I should apply for the television series Adventure All Stars. I said yes, not expecting to get in, as it’s way out of my comfort zone.

Twelve charity fundraisers associated with Walk A While have been selected to take part in Adventure All Stars, with the episodes screening on Channel Seven in 2022. Described as the ‘ultimate road trip’, the TV series features “people undertaking an unforgettable journey to a secret location for six days of fun and adventure”

She said the Rockhampton community had been very supportive of her fundraising so far.

“I thought there would be challenges raising money for something that’s so far way, out in Central Australia, but generally people are very happy to help when you’re raising money for a good cause, wherever it is.”